A precise moment...

Today we have to write about a photografh that we like, so this is mine.
When I was a child I remember that my parents had a kodak camera and whit this they took photographs in each "important" date, for example in christmas, happy new year, etc.
These photos were revealed and until the day of today we conserve it in an album.
I think that all of these photos are so much important to me becuase it show me the important moments that Ive lived and my growth in the time, but today I dont want to write about this album of photos, I will write about a photo that I took when I was 12. In this photo are my 3 cats, well in that moment I had 3 cats. I remember that I was trying to take a long  time this photo beacuse I wanted every cat  to look good from a certain angle. This photo was taken  8 years ago and I like it because it remember me the perseverance that I had in that moment and the free time that I had when I was a child. I would like to be there and spend more time with them, thanks to this photo I can remember that precious moment.


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