My "favorite" subject

All we have our favorite subject or the subject that more like us, well I think that. In my case, my "favorite" subject is Laboratory of general Chemistry. I like this subject because it mix theory and practice and some practical are so funny depending of the instruments that you have to use, for example in the kinetics practical in which you have to mix compounds and take the time with a chronometre the velocity with the reactions happen. Besides  in this subject you work in pairs, and to this form you enhance your team work and the laboratories are more easy.
My section of this subject have approximately 40 students and its activities are divided in two, first a theoretical class and then the laboratory about that class. Although the 90% of this subject is occupied in the laboratory. I think that this subject is interesting to me because at the same that its previous subject, "Laboratory techniques", it teach you the basic and the advanced about a laboratory, like the use of instruments, the security rules, different kind of methods, etc.
This subject is important in my decision/career because it accustom you to stay in a laboratory and how to work in there besides for all the knowledge and experience that you acquire here. If you want to work in a laboratory when you finish your career, this subject is the pilar for to work in that area.


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