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When I was a child, I thought of becoming a football player because I played it every day with my friends and I enjoyed this so much. Later, when I was 13 I wanted to study automotive engineering, in this years I liked so much the cars and all that was relacionated with it, today I still thinking that cars are so interesting but not to much how to study.
During high school, I realize that the science was the topic that I liked it, but most inclined with biology and chemistry. In effect I was in the biology´s class.
When I finished high school I wanted to study medical technology and my second option  was chemistry and pharmacy. Finally I chose study chemistry and pharmacy because before, I investigated both carreer and I found that chemistry and pharmacy it was more what I was looking for.
Currentlly I feel good at the university, this place is a like a new world in which you meet so much people every day and you share your experience with them. Today I spend my days studying and enjoying the time with classmates and friends, and I hope that the day when I finished my carreer and can work in a laboratory or in a pharmacy.


  1. Cars are so exciting! Have you thought about keeping it as a hobbie?

  2. Wow! your story is very nice, I also wanted to be a football player ! you want to be my friends?

  3. I also want work in the laboratoy, i think this is cool.

  4. Oh !!!! it's very interesting. we should have a pharmacy together.


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