Books and Films

Well, the topic of today is about "your favorite film and book" so here we go. When I think in what is my favorite film, come to my mind 3 films, one of this is Interstellar. I love it because it treat a theme present in our lifes, the end of resources of our planet, and how the humanity have to search another  planet, for to move in and live in it. I like this movie for everything, its plot, characters, scenes, effects, the soundtrack, the actors, everything, and most important the general teaching that let to you, "take care of the planet".
The other two films are, The Butterfly effect and The shutter Island. These movies share a same genres, the mystery and drama and both catch you for the first minute, carrying you to a point in where you don´t know what will happen. I recommend to you watch these films, I promise that these don´t let you down.

For other side we have books. I like to read books,  I remember I started to read books when I was 5. Today I dont read so much because I dont have enough time. And sometimes I read comics or mangas, it depends.
My favorite book is Brave new World written by Aldous Huxley. It treat about a distopic world in which the people are "happy" doing what they do, in where the emotions are supressed and the artificial life exist.  One day one of the main characters start to think that why he do that and why the society behaves to this form, and here start a conflict. This book is very interesting because it shows to you a different world in where everything works perfectly supposedly and where all the behaviours and knowledges that we know, have been forgotten. I recommend to you read it when you have free time because it have many pages. Good Luck


  1. Thank friend for recommending me to watch the film "the butterfly effect"
    it's an amazing movie.

  2. Woow! I also watched "the butterfly effect" is an awesome films, is one of my favorites movie

  3. A "happy world" is a very good book < 3

  4. I will see the movie "Interstellar", that get my attention

  5. How do you consider yourself? an Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta or Epsilon


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