"I haven't got a brain, and soon... neither will you!" okno

I think that every organ of our body is important because each one accomplish a function to the correct functioning of the organism but for me the most interesting and amazing is the brain.
The human brain is the central organ of the human nervous system, and with the spinal cord makes up the central nervous system. The brain consists of the cerebrum, the brainstem and the cerebellum. It controls most of the activities of the body, processing, integrating, and coordinating the information it receives from the sense organs, and making decisions as to the instructions sent to the rest of the body.

The brain is protected by the skull, suspended in cerebrospinal fluid, and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood–brain barrier. However, the brain is still susceptible to damage, disease, and infection. Damage can be caused by trauma, or a loss of blood supply known as a stroke.
Diseases related with the brain:

Alzheimer disease.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
Diseases of the cerebellum.
Neurodegenerative diseases.

I think that to keep healthy the brain is the same that fot other organ, for example do sport, have a healthy diet, sleep 7 hours daily, etc. Also we could estimulate it with activities like, read a book, play a match of chess, etc.
The greatness of our brain is incomparable, it have the control of our body, all the moves,feelings, thoughts, the memory, the mood, everything that we do and think. For all the roles that it realize and it complexity is that the brain is one of the most important and amazing organs of our body.


  1. I don't like to read, but I will try doing make a habit of reading.

  2. Sleep and healthy diet it's very important to have a good brain!


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